Personal data holders defined as data subjects (“Data Subject”) in the Personal Data Protection Code no. 6698 (“Code”) are granted certain rights to apply AKADEMİ BANT VE FİLM SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (“Company”) as data controller regarding processing of personal data in Article 11 of the Code. In accordance with the first paragraph of Article 13; applications to be made regarding these rights must be communicated with Company in writing or electronically and with the methods stated below.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Communique of Procedures and Principles for Application to the Data Controller which published on Official Gazette with No. 30356, dated 10.03.2018, in the applications to be made to our Company within the scope of Personal Data Protection Code, it shall be included that name and surname of the data subject, signature if the application is in written, Identity No for the citizens of Republic of Turkey, the nationality for the foreigners, passport no or if exists, identity no, the residential address for notices or business address, if exists, electronical mail address, telephone and fax numbers and the subject of the application.
Written Applications:
The written applications that will be made to our Company shall be in the form of a copy of herein the “Application Form” with wet signature which includes the abovementioned information and filled completely or a copy of a written petition with wet signature that includes abovementioned information and sent to the address ŞERİFALİ MAHALLESİ BURHAN SK. NO: 33/2 ÜMRANİYE/İSTANBUL, by delivering in person, by proxy with a notarized power of attorney that includes authorization to apply regarding the rights within the scope of article 11 of Code or by means of notary.
Electronic Applications:
The applications that will be electronically made to our Company shall be in the form of herein the “Application Form” or the petition which both includes the abovementioned information and filled completely and sent to the registered e-mail address of our Company, … by signing with an electronic or mobile signature with the “secure electronic signature” certificate defined in the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070.
The applications delivered to our side will be concluded “as soon as possible and, in any way within not later than thirty days” as of the date the application was received by our side and based on the characteristics of the request in accordance with the law and the good faith and responded in written or electronically.
If any deficiency is detected by our company regarding your application and if the deficiency is not filled by you within seven (7) days at the latest after you are notified of this deficiency, your request will be suspended by our Company until the deficiency is filled by you.
It is remarkable that your request content is clear, understandable, and historically determinable. Thus, the information and documents requested by you with this application form must be filled in completely and correctly, and an application must be made to our Company in the above ways.